I have my funds completely stuck, after trying to bridge them from ETH to Litentry (DOT), using the apps.litentry.com/transfer portal. My goal was to stake my LIT coins further. I used an address with a Ledger hardware wallet attached (for obvious, security reasons), and this seems to be the issue. However, my funds are completely stuck now in an account with a Ledger attached. I cannot transfer them or bridge them back to ETH or even stake them.. I need a quick solution for this as I cannot wait for this https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/post/1795 to be implemented (it may take months). Please help with an workaround so I can at least transfer my LIT tokens to another address.
My address (LIT) is: 4BhNUsw6GNhw96RVUgvaGffPuinyqcCZoUt1LknC5zchC6Gs
DOT Account: 16HvU89bMMbQJGt7QBeqZjRDsgMs8vgRxKhwGZqrjVBaUAdB
I can provide additional screenshots, as needed.
Thank you.